About the Journal

Al-Muthanna  Journal for Agricultural Science(MJAS).

MJAS Journal, a peer-reviewed scientific was established in Iraq, the first volume was published in 2011.

Semi-annual journal, registered with the National Library and Archives, and the deposit number is 1624 in 2011.

Publisher: Al-Muthanna University.

Institution: College of Agriculture .

Address: Iraq, Al-Muthanna Governorate/ Samawah – Educational District, Al-Muthanna University– College of Agriculture (view in map)

 The international number of MJAS are:

PISSN 2226 – 4086

EISSN 2572 – 5149

Digital Object Identifier  (DOI) 10.52113/mjas04




Field scope the journal is specialized in the following subjects

  • Field Crop Science.
  • Genetics and Biotechnology.
  • Horticultural science.
  • Animal Production Sciences.
  • Food sciences.
  • Plant Pathology.
  • Plant Entomology.
  • Soil Sciences and water Resources.
  • Agricultural Economics.
  • Agricultural Extension.
  • Agricultural Mechanization.
  • Veterinary.
  • Poultry Sciences.
  • Biology sciences.
  • Environment.
  • Pollution.
  • Biochemistry.
  • Basic sciences.


The Muthanna Journal of Agricultural Science (JMAS) publishes recent original and significant articles containing new insight into any aspect of Agricultural Sciences that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The principal aim of the journal is:
1- Serve as a forum for agriculturalists, life scientists.
2- Contribute effectively in serving the scientific community in the field of agriculture sciences.
3- The journal seeks scholarly and original papers on current research and practical programmes, book reviews.
4- The journal tries to meet the research needs of aspiring researchers and scientists throughout the world on a wide range of topics and provides free online access to it globally.
The journal accepts original research articles, reviews, editorials, letters, and conference reports.
The journal is committed to prompt review, and priority publication is given to manuscripts with novel or timely findings, and to manuscripts of unusual interests.
Peer Review and editorial review
(JMAS) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covers Agricultural and Biological Sciences.
Peer review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published.
All papers and articles submitted are subjected to peer review.
Independent researchers work on relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in the journal or not.
Where an Editor is on the author list or has any other competing interest regarding a specific manuscript, another member of the Editorial Board will be assigned to oversee peer review.
Authors receive peer review reports with the editorial decision on their manuscript.
The possible exceptions are in the case of occasional invited papers and editorials, or where a partial or entire volume is devoted to a special theme.

Peer Review:

It is the process to ensure the quality of manuscript before publication in the Journal. Generally, the submitted manuscripts in the journal are reviewed by two experts of the concerned research field. They evaluate the manuscript for originality, relevance, validity and significance of the research work. On the recommendation of the reviewer’s manuscript is accepted for publication.