About the Journal
Al-Muthanna Journal for Agricultural Science(MJAS).
MJAS Journal, a peer-reviewed scientific was established in Iraq, the first volume was published in 2011.
Semi-annual journal, registered with the National Library and Archives, and the deposit number is 1624 in 2011.
Publisher: Al-Muthanna University.
Institution: College of Agriculture .
Address: Iraq, Al-Muthanna Governorate/ Samawah – Educational District, Al-Muthanna University– College of Agriculture (view in map)
The international number of MJAS are:
PISSN 2226 – 4086
EISSN 2572 – 5149
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.52113/mjas04
An open-access journal and
Field scope the journal is specialized in the following subjects
Field Crop Science.
Genetics and Biotechnology.
Horticultural science.
Animal Production Sciences.
Food sciences.
- Plant Pathology.
- Plant Entomology.
- Soil Sciences and water Resources.
- Agricultural Economics.
- Agricultural Extension.
- Agricultural Mechanization.
- Veterinary.
- Poultry Sciences.
- Biology sciences.
- Environment.
- Pollution.
- Biochemistry.
Basic sciences.
The Muthanna Journal of Agricultural Science (JMAS) publishes recent original and significant articles containing new insight into any aspect of Agricultural Sciences that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere.